
Platforms and services

Open eClass & Open Delos platforms

Partner institutes use the Open eClass and Open Delos platforms to host open digital courses and rich media educational resources, such as video lectures. In addition to specialized functionalities that both platforms support, technical aid is provided to the administrators of the platforms. Training concerning the use and management of the platforms, user and admimistration manuals in Greek and communication services are also offered to institutes.


National Repository

GUnet has designed and developed the National Repository which was launched in November 2014. The National Repository collects information (metadata) for all open courses available from the partner institutes’ platforms, that is the Open eClass, Moodle and Open Delos installations. Users can browse all the open courses available on the National Repository, or search by using either institute name and subject area or various keywords.



Institutional policy

In cooperation with the participating institutes, a draft text, for the institutional policy on open courses has been prepared. Each institute is provided with this institutional policy draft text to adapt it to meet its specific needs.

Hosting courses and other e-services

GUnet provides small capacity hosting services of both open courses and video lectures to the partner institutes. At the same time, GUnet is managing and supporting Open eClass and Open Delos platforms, where partner institutes run their relevant services.

Further services are provided to institutions and staff involved over the Partners’ Collaboration Service, “Open Courses – Horizontal Project” collaboration:

  • Collaboration and communication service among the horizontal support team (national level) and the institutional central support teams
  • Help Desk for users regarding the provided services
  • Wiki system to collect references about Open Educational Resources (OER)

GUnet Open Communities is a service available at It has been developed to enhance and support the communication and cooperation between open content creators, intended both to support them in seeking sources of Open Educational Resources and to facilitate the exchange of information, ideas and expertise among them.