Open Cousres
What Open Courses is about?
Open Courses are undergraduate and graduate courses taught in Greek HEI , which have been adapted to the digital environment. Open Courses are freely accessible over the Internet, under Creative Commons (CC) open licenses.
Is there any fee?
No. Open Courses are freely accessible and available to everyone over the Internet.
Is there any knowledge or training certificate provided?
No. The Open Courses project addresses to any person is interested in broadening his knowledge, but it does not constitute a distant learning program of studies. Thus, certification of any kind is not provided.
Am I supported or supervised by a tutor?
No. At this time, no tutor support is provided, since neither are there any available resources for supporting interaction between instructors and learners nor a suitable framework.
If I follow an open digital course, does it mean that I am not obliged to be physically present at the auditorium where the relevant course is taught?
No. Every obligation you have as a student remains in effect.
What can I benefit by open digital courses?
Open courses allow self study, especially those of category A+ (videolectures). For students, this means that Open Courses offer the opportunity for the resumption of the course curriculum or for the better preparation before attending lectures in the physical space. The Open Courses project addresses to anyone wishing to broaden his knowledge. Also Open Courses can contribute to a person’s professional guidance; ex. help students who are looking for their field of study in the future.

Are video lectures provided as part of any open digital course?
Based on their educational content, the open digital courses are classified in three different categories:
A- courses: provide the learner with course description and goals, keywords and glossary terms, educational material organized in course units, notes or/ and presentation slides, bibliography
A courses: in addition to A- provide podcasts synced to presentation slides
A+ courses: in addition to A- provide exercises and quizzes, digital resources and multimedia educational material.
Please note that only A+ courses provide learners with videolectures as part of their educational material.
What the Creative Commons (CC) open licenses are about?
The six Creative Commons (CC) licenses is the most widespread system of open licensing of digital works. They provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work — on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you easily change your copyright terms from the default of “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved”. For further information, please visit
Can I reuse the learning material provided?
It depends on the usage rights of the material: when it is licensed with a Creative Commons (CC) open license, the material can be reused, under the conditions indicated by the author and according to what the license defines. Material referred to another ownership cannot be reused.
Who is responsible of developing the open digital courses?
Open digital courses are developed by partner Universities and Technological Institutes, and they are accessible over their websites. The National Repository of Greek open academic courses collects all open courses metadata and gives the opportunity to potential users to browse all available courses. However open courses hosted on institutional LMS platforms and therefore users are redirected to them through the National Repository. Please note that the National Repository is supported by the Greek Academic Network (GUnet). Feel free to contact us at